Saturday, January 21, 2012


I started this blog over a year ago and then life got busy! I have had a little baby girl! She was born in the Spring of 2011. My husband and I are enjoying our little bundle of joy so much! She is precious. When I'm not busy being a new mommy, I am working on getting my PhD in Social Work. I also work parttime in the admissions department of my university and I am working on domestic violence research.

Since 1998 I have really enjoyed crocheting! My Aunt taught me how to crochet - she helped me make a granny square blanket - and ever since then Crocheting has been a passion of mine. It is so much fun! I have made many blankets and scarves. My most recent favorite has been amigurumi. I used to post regularly on Crochetville's forums and I enjoyed collaborating with other crochet-fans.

Although I am staying really busy these days, I have found myself drawn to wanting to induldge in some crocheting! My goal is to post regularly about whats new and happening in the world of crochet.

Crochet Buzz = 1. the high you get from crocheting. 2. the latest hip happenings in the world of crochet.

I hope you will subscribe to my blog so we can chat about crochet buzzzzzz!

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